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Dewi Immaniar Desrianti Untung Rahardja Rahma Rinie


Science advancement of information technology is rapidly increasing to support technology development in education today it is as seen from technology trends of internet has evolved. The first time website only adopted information needs first step. Internet development may made web to web interaction. This interaction can share information, document, picture, video format, this bring the impact of social increased in cyberspace and then followed by world of learning but current condition of internet uses is as a self learning method, it’s not applied optimally in learning. The worst internet system only focused on the process of sending e-mail message from educators for students, not offering on independent approach and interactive learning experience. By using iLearning enable the learning process in an interactive self learning is applied in the realization and not separate from daily life. This article will explain to learn electronic  learning  distribution e-learning for iLearning, identify problem, encountered especially in education with an internet technology,iLearning architecture, iLearning design, weakness and excess iLearning, iLearning implementation in learning and interaction in daily activity in 4B ( learn, pray, work, play) in world of education system iLearning is adopted from e-learning education, that cannot be separated from learning activity at daily life and iLearning contribution really help independently learn need, which all knowledgement is in our hand. iLearning contained in this article may create a self-learning interactive  in everyday life. iLearning organize all learners activities continually by learning, playing, working, and praying. iLearning development can create a good integrity to the system of modern learning in the future. So  ilearning is the good leaders for both either educators or learners to get accurate information and which can be relavant in  anywhere, anytime when we learn, play, pray, and work. 4b do with just one touch of the hand


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D. Desrianti, U. Rahardja, and R. Rinie, “ILEARNING METODE BELAJAR EFEKTIF UNTUK SEKOLAH TINGGI”, CCIT (Creative Communication and Innovative Technology) Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 308-334, May 2014.


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