Slotted ALOHA CDMA By Dual Model Path Gains
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Throughput Slotted ALOHA CDMA by dual model path gain Nakagami/Nakagami fading channel by capture effect is analyzed. The approach of fading effect to BER is calculated by path gain. Path gain for desired signal and interference signal is unequal. Therefore, at this research BER used on S-ALOHA CDMA is BER with two different model path gains at Nakagami/Nakagami fading channel with capture effect. Result of calculation indicates that throughput of slotted ALOHA CDMA are getting better with increase level of parameter fading signal and long code. Others throughput slotted ALOHA CDMA also better progressively with the decrease of capture ratio and simultaneous user.
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H. Saragih and D. Soetarno, “Slotted ALOHA CDMA By Dual Model Path Gains”, CCIT (Creative Communication and Innovative Technology) Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55-67, Sep. 2009.
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V. A. Aalo dan J. Zhang (1999) “On the effect of cochannel interference on average error rates in nakagami-fading channels, “ IEEE Comm. Lett., vol. 3, no.5, hal. 136–138.
R. K. Morrow, Jr. dan J. S. Lehnert (1989). “Bit-to-bit error dependence in slotted DS/SSMA packet systems with random signature sequences,” IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. 37, no. 10, hal. 1052–1061.
J. M. Holtzman (1992). “A simple, accurate method to calculate spread-spectrum multiple-access error probabilities,” IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. 40, no. 3, hal. 461– 464
J. M. Holtzman (1992). “On calculating DS/SSMA error probabilities,” IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Jepang, Nopember.
M. O. Sunay dan P. J. McLane (1996). “Calculating error probabilities for DS CDMA systems: when not to use the gaussian approximation,” IEEE Globecom 96, vol. 3, hal. 1744–1749.
J. Cheng dan N. C. Beaulieu (2002). “Accurate DS-CDMA bit-error probability calculation in rayleigh fading,” IEEE Trans. Wire. Comm., vol. 1, no. 1, hal. 3–15.
M. Kavehrad dan P. J. McLane (1985). “Performance of low-complexity channel coding and diversity for spread spectrum in indoor, wireless communication,” AT&T Tech. Journal, vol. 64, no. 8, hal. 1927–1965.
C. Chayawan dan V. A. Aalo (2003). “Average symbol error rate of maximal ratio combining scheme in the presence of multiple cochannel interferers,” ECTI Trans. Electrical Eng., Electronics, and Comm., vol. 1, no. 1, hal. 38–45.
C. Lee dan Y. Jeon (1998). “BER analysis of asynchronous DS-CDMA over a rician fading channel, “ IEICE Trans. Fund., vol. E81–A, no. 7, hal. 1479–1482.
F. Sasamori dan F. Takahata ( 1999). “Theoretical and approximate derivation of bit error rate in DS-CDMA systems under rician fading environment,” IEICE Trans. Fund., vol. E82–A, no. 12, hal. 2660–2668.
Y-D. Yao dan A. U. H. Sheikh (19920. “Investigation into cochannel interference in microcellular mobile radio systems,” IEEE Trans. Vehic. Tech, vol. 41, no. 2, hal. 114–123.
A. Sheikh, Y-D Yao dan X. WU (1990). “The ALOHA system in shadowed mobile radio channel with slow or fast fading”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.39, No.4, pp.289-286.
J. A. Roberts dan T. J Healy (1980). “Packet radio performance over slow rayleigh fading channel”, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Vol. COM-28, No.2, pp.279-286.
J. C. Anbark dan W. Van Blitterswijk (1987). “Capacity of slotted ALOHA in rayleigh fading channel”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Vol. SAC-5, No.2, pp.261-265.
Sand A. Al-Semari dan Mohsen Guizani (1997). “Channel throughput of slotted ALOHA in nakagami fading environtment”, IEEE Transaction on Communications.
A. Ogawa, T. Yamazato, M. Katayama and Jamalipour (1998) “ Introduction to CDMA ALOHA”, IEEE GLOBECOM’98, TU13. Tseng, Shu-Ming (2003). ”A high-throughput multicarrier DS CDMA / ALOHA network”, IEICE Trans.Commun, Vol.E86-B.
K. Cheun and S. Kim (1998).” Joint delay-power capture in spread-spectrum packet radio networks,” IEEE Trans, Commun,. Vol.46, No. 4, pp 450-453.
M. S. Do, Y. J. Park, J. Y. Lee,” Capture with delay and power randomization in spread-spectrum CDMA slotted ALOHA system,” IEEE Trans, Commun, vol, 26, July 20, pp 996-1006.
M. S. Do, Y. J. Park (2002. 2005). J. Y. Lee,” The effect of spreading gain control on a CDMA slotted ALOHA System,” IEEE Trans, Computer Commun, Vol, 26, pp 996-1006.
Damar Wijaya dan Gunawan Wibisono (2005). “Analisa BER CDMA dengan Dua
Model Path Gain Kanal Fading Nakagami,” Proc. The 6 th Seminar on Intellegent Technology and Its Applications (SITIA 2005), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya.
Gunawan Wibisono dan Andy Prakoso (2006). “Analisis Kinerja CDMA DenganDifferensial MRC Pada Dua Model Fading,” Proc. EECCIS 2006, Brawijaya University Malang, Part 1, C-135.
Hoga Saragih dan Gunawan Wibisono (2005). “Analysis Throughput Slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA in Nakagami/Nakagami Fading Channel with Capture Effect”, International Conference On information and Communication technology (ICCT-UMB
2005), Universitas Mercubuana, 9-10 juni 2005, Jakarta, Hal 257-266. [25] Hoga Saragih, Gunawan Wibisono dan Eko Tjipto Rahardjo (2006). “Analysis of Throughput S-ALOHA CDMA with Differential MRC at Two Fading Models”, RPCES 2006, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skundai, Johor Bahru, 26-27 July 2006, Hal 275-280.