Privacy Statement

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  •  The manuscript is the result of research that has been formatted in accordance with the pattern of writing scientific journal articles.
  •  Manuscripts are original works (not plagiarization) and have never been published in printed scientific periodicals or other electronic scientific periodicals.
  •  The manuscript was sent to the CeritaT Journal online submission on
  •  A script submitted to the Cerita Journal Editor is a file script in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF (Rich Text File) document format.
  •  The submitted manuscript is a manuscript that has been in accordance with the provisions of the Cerita Journal Editor.
  •  Willing to go through the blind review stage.

Writing Instructions for Authors

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Type of Writing

Writings can be in the form of research reports or scientific papers instead of research results of case study reports or comprehensive library studies. Scientific writing/ research can be the result: a). Development, b). Discovery, c). Proof.

    1. Research reports must contain at least abstract sections, introductions (background objectives, hypotheses, key concepts), methodologies, results and discussions, conclusions and libraries..
    1. Scientific papers instead of research should contain at least abstract sections, introductions, discussions, conclusions and libraries.

Effectiveness of Article Title

The title of the article in a scientific periodical must reflect the core of the written content, specific, and effective as measured by the breadth of its writing and its informativeness. If the writing is in non-English, it should be accompanied by a translation of the title in English.

Inclusion of Author Name and Author Institution

Establishment and establishment of the inclusion of a line of credit (by line) which includes the name of the author (must be without an academic degree or indication of position and rank) as the owner of authorship, the address of the institution where the research activities are carried out (institution name, address and zip code, state name) as the holder of ownership of the writing, and the author of correspondence (telephone, fax, e-mail address) clearly and on principle. The inclusion of the name of the author and the institution of the author must be complete and consistent..


English with regard to the rules of scientific variety language.

Writing Length

Writing length 10-15 pages A4 single space includes tables and images as well as attachments, with the typeface Times New Roman font 12.


The maximum abstract length of 250 words, in one paragraph, comes with the key words at the end of the abstract. Abstracts contain backgrounds, methodologies, results and conclusions. Abstracts are not mathematical, do not contain suggestions and expectations, no quotations. Keywords are important words used to identify the contents of a document can be a method or tool used, a variable researched or the substance of research. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English.


Keywords that function because they are carefully selected so as to reflect the concepts contained in related articles are the completeness of modern scientific articles to help improve the ease of access of the article in question in search engines.

Utilization of Supporting Instruments

Article writing is designed to use all complementary means such as (photo illustrations, tables and graphs) to support descriptive exposure. For Photo images, tables and graphics must be given a full number and title and must be included in the text. The images and tables are in black and white format..


Math equations should be numbered in regular brackets, (x), with right-aligned writing.

How to Use and Quote

Each paper is required to cite library sources derived from national and international scientific journals. The context of scientific periodicals includes a library reference system (year name, number order, footnote, endnote) and citation method must be maintained the standard and consistency of its use. In Chapters, they are written in square brackets in the order in which they are written [1]. Read sentences follow parentheses [1]. Just refer to the writing number as in [1]- don't use "quote. [1]" or "quotation [1]" except at the beginning of the sentence "quote [1] is ..." These systems and ways of tipping should use standard quote applications so that consistency and accessibility are better maintained.

Library List

Preparation of library lists that follow IEEE References library list authoring techniques. To maintain consistency in how libraries are used, ingesting and writing libraries, it's a good idea to use apps to manage those libraries and libraries, for example free apps (e.g. Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero) or paid apps (e.g. Endnote, Reference Manager).


Privacy Statement

The articles submitted in this journal are self-written articles and are not the result of other people's writings. The privacy statement can be viewed and downloaded in the Author Guide table above.