Aplikasi Absensi Pegawai Kecamatan Batuceper Tangerang Dalam Meningkatkan Akurasi Informasi

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Rachman Mulyandi Cynthia Ayu Wulan Dini


Subdistrict Batuceper a government agency employee attendance system is still running it manually . Where the application of the attendance system there are some things that become obstacles . The problems that occur are in terms of effectiveness , efficiency and process time of roll call . Attendance report form which is currently still in the form of writing that can complicate the search process the data , and the possibility of missing attendance data . With the above reasons , the author tries to provide alternative solutions to the problem by creating an application that will record attendance system employee attendance , time of arrival , time of return , which will be made in a systematic and computerized . This system eliminates the process of recording employee attendance that still run manually , ie by reducing the error rate by means of input personal identification number in the attendance process . At this writing will also be explained stages of processing , ranging from process
analysis , planning, design using the programming language PHP ( Hypertext Prepocessor ) and MySQL database , until the implementation stage using spiral with engineering notation and object -oriented approach , UML ( Unified Modeling Languange ) , in order to determine what data is being input and output on the system running . With the attendance information system is expected to minimize the constraints that occur in the system before.


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How to Cite
R. Mulyandi and C. Dini, “Aplikasi Absensi Pegawai Kecamatan Batuceper Tangerang Dalam Meningkatkan Akurasi Informasi”, CCIT (Creative Communication and Innovative Technology) Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 269-279, Jan. 2014.


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